Jungle Comics
Fiction House // January 1940 - Summer 1954
Issue count: 163
Another long-running Jungle title from Fiction House. Debuting in 1940, this comic is most known as the home of KAANGA : JUNGLE LORD! FH had great art and writing, making this a notch above other Tarzan-imitator comics!

Fiction House was a very successful “Pulp” magazine publisher beginning in the late 20’s. They moved lots and lots of Western and Sports stories in their magazines. Originally owned by John B. Kelly and John Glenister, they were not necessarily late to the comic book game, but entered when they saw a clear path to making a profit.
Two things instigated the change; first, by the time the comic book craze was in full swing in the late 30’s, Glenister’s son-in-law, Thurman Scott was pretty-much running the company. He was the one that was open to the idea of branching out into comics after being solicited by Will Eisner and Jerry Iger - the second part of our equation - as they had just opened a co-operative studio which employed a myriad of writers and artists whose collected output would then be sold to various publishers and entities that may demand any variety of material.
It was a no-brainer for Eisner and Iger to solicit established Pulp publishers, as it would seemingly be a logical transition for those types of houses to start putting comics on the market. The gap that the Eisner/Iger Shop (as it would become known) was filling, is that most Pulp publishers had no experience with how to “do” comic books, and Will and Jerry had so much talent and experience on their staff that it would be low-maintenance for some of these Pulp-guys to “buy-in.”
Fiction House took the leap, and went on to essentially set the precedent for two popular comic book genres - the Science Fiction comic book, for which their Planet Comics (an extension of their best-selling pulp) must be considered “ground-zero” for that genre, beginning years before sci-fi comics would be in high demand - and the “Jungle” comic - they invented Sheena of The Jungle, and were responsible for her overwhelming popularity in the 40s and beyond.
At the outset, Jumbo Comics was not necessarily a “jungle” title. As Fiction House’s first entry into the brand new comic book market, debuting in September 1938, Jumbo contained a variety of content. Among the stories of humor, adventure, juvenile, historical, spy/detective, sports, Hollywood and literary adaptations, and even briefly, superhero tales, we found a scant 3 pages dedicated to Jerry Iger’s creation, Sheena Of The Jungle.
Sheena would catch on pretty fast, soon being the dominant feature in Jumbo. And although Sheena’s stories continued to reside in Jumbo Comics, Fiction House knew a good thing when they had it and saw fit to begin publishing a new title exclusively dedicated to jungle tales. It was called, appropriately enough, Jungle Comics.
Premiering in January of 1940 and running a staggering 163 issues until the Summer of 1954, there were many notables about Jungle Comics; the book followed in the same trajectory as most of the other Fiction Houses titles, in that it started out at 68 pages, eventually went down to 52 pages mid-way, and ended its run at a standard 36 pages after entering the 1950’s. Also amazing was the consistency in quality of Jungle Comics. From the first to the last issue the character line-up barely changed. Anchored by the Tarzan-esque Kaanga (who was a carryover from Fiction House’s pulp, Jungle Stories) and his compatriot Ann Mason, his stories would occupy the both the covers and the top-slot for every issue. Then we had other mainstay variations-on-a-theme, The Red Panther, Tabu - Wizard of the Jungle, Simba - the Lion King, Wambi- The Jungle Boy, Captain Terry Thunder, Roy Lance, and of course the gals; Fantomah, Camilla- Queen of The Jungle (she was more of an anti-hero, in that she ruled a fantastical part of the jungle where neither her nor her subjects ever aged, and she was always defending her kingdom from outsiders seeking the secret. Human sacrifice was often involved!), and a rare late addition in the line-up, Tiger Girl.
And there was the consistency to the LOOK of the book; here, The Eisner/Iger Shop - and later the (post Eisner) S.M. Iger Shop ran a very tight ship. They did not hire sub-par talent, and crafted a “house-style” which was to be strictly adhered to if you wanted to get work out of their studio.
All hands were on deck, and virtually every talented artist that passed through the Iger “finishing school” had a hand in Jungle Comics at some point or another. Familiar names that would become the tops in their field, and very serviceable journeymen who may not have stayed in the business for long included Will Eisner himself (who also served as Art Director for the first several issues), Lou Fine (covers), Charles Sultan, Alex Blum, Maurice Whitman, Henry Keifer, Georder Wilson, Dick Briefer, C.A. Winter, George Tuska, Bob Powell, Nick Cardy, Arthur Peddy, Robert Webb, Ruth Atkinson, George Appel, Sal Rosen, Al Walker, John Celardo, Marcia Snyder, Sam Citron, Jim Mooney, Joe Doolin, Ruben Moreira, John Celardo, Richard Case, Frank Doyle, August Froelich, Bob Lubbers, Fran Hopper, Mike Peppe, Matt Baker, Jack Kamen and Ralph Mayo.
After cancellation, the genre of the “jungle” comic would endure, but probably not at the same level of popularity and quality that Fiction House and The Iger Shop were able to give us in the Golden Age.
Looking to sell your comic books?
Browse our selection of key issues from Jungle Comics below to get an instant estimate of their value.
We have been buying and selling for 20 years and have tons of experience working with sellers just like you!

Issue #1

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What's Jungle Comics #1 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #1 is $45,000. This value is based on the highest CGC rated copy to sell at auction, which is a 9.6 from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold for that price in March 2017. This is a decrease from its March 2014 value of $47,611. An unretouched 9.0 has a September 2006 value of $5,975, and an unretouched 8.5 has a value of $5,040 as of November 2019.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The origin stories of Kaänga, Wambi, White Panther, and Captain Terry Thunder occur in Jungle Comics #1, published by Fiction House in January 1940. Ann Mason is taken and held by the slaver Blacton. Kaänga finds her and saves her, and when she is safe, tells her how he came to live in this jungle.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$600 | $1,050 | $1,800 | $4,000 | $20,000 | $47,611 |
Issue #2

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What's Jungle Comics #2 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #2 is $10,750. This value is based on the highest-rated copy to sell publicly, which is a 9.4 from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold for that price in May 2017. The $10,750 value is an increase from that copy's March 2014 value of $8,001. An unretouched 8.5 has a January 2020 value of $3,000, which is an increase from its January 2006 value of $1,018.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The story of Fantomah, Mystery Woman of the Jungle, and the Red Panther begin in Jungle Comics #2, published in February 1940 by Fiction House. Kaänga must rescue Ann from a mad scientist who uses a group of apes to do his bidding. The Red Panther rescues a missionary from a witch doctor.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$225 | $450 | $900 | $1,800 | $6,500 | $10,750 |
Issue #3

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- eBay Listings
What's Jungle Comics #3 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #3 is $7,501. This value is based on the highest CGC rated copy to sell at auction, which is a 9.4 from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold for that price in March 2014. An unretouched 7.0 has a June 2017 value of $525, and an unretouched 5.0 has a value of $263 as of May 2016.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Kaänga discovers a witch doctor who turns out to be a fraud in Jungle Comics #3, published by Fiction House in March 1940. The Red Panther discovers a tribe that is preparing to sacrifice a miner to their god.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$125 | $250 | $500 | $1,000 | $4,000 | $7,501 |
Issue #4

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- eBay Listings
What's Jungle Comics #4 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #4 is $7,803. This value is based on the highest-rated copy to sell publicly, which is a 9.4 from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold for that price in March 2014. A 8.0 from the Larson pedigree has a June 2017 value of $2,345, an unretouched 7.0 sold for the price of $470 in February 2016, and a 6.5 from the Rockford pedigree has a value of $340 as of May 2010.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The villainous Sam Broot captures Kaänga and Ann and forces them to labor for him in Jungle Comics #4, published in April 1940 by Fiction House. The Red Panther finds two criminals who were stealing from a tribe, so he gives them a taste of their own medicine.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$250 | $500 | $1,000 | $2,500 | $4,500 | $7,803 |
Issue #5

What's Jungle Comics #5 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #5 is $10,849. This value is based on the highest-rated copy to sell at auction, which is a 9.4 from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold for that price in July 2019. This value is a decrease from its peak March 2014 value of $11,400. An unretouched 8.0 has a June 2009 value of $1,063.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Cheeba the leopard and Ann help Kaänga escape from Broot, and then turns the jungle animals against him in Jungle Comics #5, published by Fiction House in May 1940. The Red Panther saves a safari from deadly ants, and the Ant Woman vows revenge on the Panther.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$250 | $400 | $800 | $2,000 | $4,500 | $11,400 |
Issue #6

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What's Jungle Comics #6 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #6 is $6,001. This is based on the highest CGC rated copy to sell publicly, which is a 9.6 NM+ from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold for that price in March 2014. A 8.5 from the Rockford pedigree has a February 2019 value of $1,150, and an unretouched 7.5 sold for the price of $750 in December 2019, which is an increase from its July 2002 value of $414.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Queen Anitra saves Kaänga from Sam Broot and his villainous army in Jungle Comics #6, published in June 1940 by Fiction House. She wants him to become her king, and when he refuses, she demands he be sacrificed.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$125 | $250 | $500 | $800 | $2,500 | $6,001 |
Issue #7

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- eBay Listings
What's Jungle Comics #7 worth in 2025?
There is no known mint condition value of Jungle Comics #7. The highest-rated copy to sell at auction is a 9.2 from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold for the price of $7,250 in April 2017. An unretouched 8.5 has a May 2012 value of $956, and an 8.5 from the Rockford pedigree has a November 2007 value of $600.
Why is this comic book valuable?
An explorer asks Kaänga to guide him to a lost valley in Jungle Comics #7, published by Fiction House in July 1940. The valley is inhabited by ancient Roman descendants - and cannibalistic monkey men. The Red Panther helps overthrow a villain who has taken the position of a chief.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$300 | $600 | $900 | $1,300 | $2,500 | $7,400 |
Issue #8

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- eBay Listings
What's Jungle Comics #8 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #8 is $6,001. This value is based on the highest CGC rated copy to sell at auction, which is a 9.8 NM/M from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold for that price in March 2014. An unretouched 9.4 sold in February 2008 for the price of $1,195, and an unretouched 9.0 has a January 2013 value of $906, which is an increase from its August 2006 value of $687.
Why is this comic book valuable?
A group of criminals forcefully take over a diamond mine in Jungle Comics #8, published in August 1940 by Fiction House. A group of criminals drive out the natives in a diamond mine and bring in their own workers so that they can keep all the profits. Kaänga gathers a group of lions to restore the mine to its original owners.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$125 | $200 | $375 | $950 | $1,200 | $6,001 |
Issue #9

What's Jungle Comics #9 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #9 is $7,400. This value is from the highest CGC rated copy to sell at auction, which is a 9.6 NM+ from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold for that price in April 2017. An unretouched 8.5 has a September 2018 value of $925, and an 8.5 from the Larson pedigree sold for the price of $2,222 in June 2017.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Kaänga suffers amnesia and becomes the warrior of the evil King Tongo in Jungle Comics #9, published by Fiction House in September 1940. King Tongo orders him to capture some monks and Ann, but upon hearing her voice Kaänga's memory is restored.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$125 | $200 | $375 | $950 | $2,000 | $7,400 |
Issue #10

What's Jungle Comics #10 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #10 is $6,800, which is based on the highest-rated copy to sell at auction. That copy is a 9.6 from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold for that price in March 2014. An unretouched 8.0 sold for the price of $575 in August 2010, which is an increase from its December 2005 value of $460.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Kaänga gets to live out sweet revenge in his origin story in Jungle Comics #10, published in October 1940 by Fiction House. Kaänga discovers The Boss has a new victim he has kidnapped, and he is able to exact revenge on the slaver who sold him into slavery many years ago.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$125 | $200 | $400 | $950 | $2,000 | $6,800 |
Issue #11

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What's Jungle Comics #11 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #11 is $9,401. This value is based on the highest CGC rated copy to sell publicly, which is a 9.8 NM/M from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold for that price in March 2014. A 7.5 from the Rockford pedigree has a July 2003 value of $345, and an unretouched 7.0 sold for the price of $2,000 in May 2018, which is an increase from its May 2007 value of $263.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Anns own family is trying to hunt her in Jungle Comics #11, published by Fiction House in November 1940. While running from Robert and Cora, Ann and Kaänga hide in a valley that houses prehistoric dinosaurs.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$500 | $900 | $1,650 | $2,600 | $5,000 | $9,401 |
Issue #12

- Price Guide Info
- eBay Listings
What's Jungle Comics #12 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #12 is $6,000. This value is based on the highest CGC rated copy to sell at auction, which is a 9.4 from the Edgar Church pedigree. That April 2017 value is an increase from its March 2014 value of $4,501. A 9.2 from the Rockford pedigree sold for the price of $1,300 in May 2013, which is an increase from its July 2003 value of $564.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Kaänga must save his jungle from American gangsters in Jungle Comics #12, published in December 1940 by Fiction House. American gangster Mickey Malloy comes to Kaängas jungle, and tries to take over as its leader so he can conduct his criminal business unbothered.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$125 | $250 | $500 | $950 | $2,000 | $6,000 |
Issue #13

What's Jungle Comics #13 worth in 2025?
There is no known mint condition value of Jungle Comics #13. The highest-rated copy to sell at auction is a 9.2 from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold for the price of $5,800 in April 2017. A 8.5 from the Rockford pedigree sold for the price of $1,200 in March 2019, which is an increase from its July 2003 value of $345.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Kaänga and Ann battle an ultra-strong monster man in Jungle Comics #13, published by Fiction House in January 1941. The mad scientist Demoire invents a serum that will turn a regular human man into a super-strong monster. He turns a man into this monster, and when it turns on the doctor and kills him, Kaänga and Ann must figure out how to beat the monster man.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$125 | $300 | $500 | $950 | $2,000 | $5,800 |
Issue #14

What's Jungle Comics #14 worth in 2025?
There is no known mint condition value of Jungle Comics #14. The highest CGC rated copy to sell publicly is an unretouched 9.0 that sold for the price of $690 in December 2005. An 8.0 from the Edgar Church pedigree has a March 2014 value of $1,501, and an unretouched 7.5 has a May 2007 value of $444.
Why is this comic book valuable?
A former pet gorilla turns other apes against humans in Jungle Comics #14, published in February 1941 by Fiction House. Simia the gorilla was once a pet, and wants revenge against humankind. Kaänga and Ann must stop him before the gorillas cause mayhem.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$150 | $250 | $450 | $750 | $2,000 | $1,501 |
Issue #15

- Price Guide Info
- eBay Listings
What's Jungle Comics #15 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #15 is $6,200. This value is based on the highest CGC rated copy to sell at auction, which is a 9.6 NM+ from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold for that price in March 2014. An unretouched 3.5 has a June 2017 value of $390.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Ann and Kaänga confront looters in Jungle Comics #15, published by Fiction House in March 1941. A group of criminals is trying to loot a native temple, which prompts Kaänga and Ann to step in and stop them.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$200 | $400 | $750 | $1,275 | $2,000 | $6,200 |
Issue #16

What's Jungle Comics #16 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #16 is unknown. The highest-rated copy to sell publicly is a 9.0 from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold for the price of $4,800 in April 2017. An unretouched 8.0 has a May 2017 value of $573, which is an increase from its March 2016 price of $490. An unretouched 1.5 has a value of $40 as of April 2010.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Kaänga and Ann Mason discover prehistoric animals in Jungle Comics #16, published in April 1941 by Fiction House. The duo comes across a tribe of Hut Men, who are under attack by marauding cavemen.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$150 | $275 | $450 | $800 | $2,000 | $4,800 |
Issue #17

What's Jungle Comics #17 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #17 is $7,900. This value is based on the highest CGC rated copy to sell at auction, which is a 9.4 NM from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold in April 2017. An unretouched 7.0 has a December 2012 value of $692, an unretouched 4.0 sold for the price of $200 in September 2014, and an unretouched 3.0 has a value of $399 as of August 2019.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The Jungle Lord takes on prehistoric birds in Jungle Comics #17, published by Fiction House in May 1941. Kaänga and Ann become lost when they stumble across a lost valley that is home to prehistoric killer birds.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$175 | $450 | $700 | $1,250 | $2,250 | $7,900 |
Issue #18

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- eBay Listings
What's Jungle Comics #18 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #18 is unknown. The highest-rated copy to sell publicly is a 9.2 from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold for the price of $4,900 in April 2017. An unretouched 6.5 has an April 2019 value of $906, an unretouched 6.0 sold for the price of $161 in June 2016, and a 5.5 with a double cover has a value of $376 as of September 2018.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Pygmies try to sacrifice the Jungle Lord in Jungle Comics #18, published in June 1941 by Fiction House. Pygmies kidnap Kaänga and Ann so that they can sacrifice the duo to their sacred leopards in 'Trap of the Tawny Killer.'
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$250 | $450 | $800 | $1,250 | $2,250 | $4,900 |
Issue #19

- Price Guide Info
- eBay Listings
What's Jungle Comics #19 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #19 is $5,900. This value is based on the highest CGC rated copy to sell at auction, which is a 9.8 NM/M from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold in April 2017. An unretouched 8.5 has a July 2016 value of $502, an unretouched 8.0 sold for the price of $419 in May 2019, and an unretouched 7.4 has a value of $200 as of November 2002.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The Jungle Lord convinces Hatulangi to end his jungle raids in Jungle Comics #19, published by Fiction House in July 1941. Kaänga persuades the great chief to end his deadly raids, but only if the Jungle Lord can bring him a sacred skull.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$75 | $175 | $375 | $700 | $1,800 | $5,900 |
Issue #20

- Price Guide Info
- eBay Listings
What's Jungle Comics #20 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #20 is $4,501. This value is based on the highest-rated copy to sell publicly, which is a 9.6 NM+ from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold in March 2014. An unretouched 8.0 has a December 2017 value of $530, and an unretouched 7.0 has a value of $574 as of December 2017.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Ann Mason is tied up and held hostage on the cover of Jungle Comics #20, published in August 1941 by Fiction House. Sawabi is a treacherous witch doctor who wants to incite a jungle war. Kaänga must prevent his live-offering of Ann to the Ju-Ju Demon.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$100 | $200 | $400 | $800 | $1,800 | $4,501 |
Looking to sell your comic books?
Browse our selection of key issues from Jungle Comics below to get an instant estimate of their value.
We have been buying and selling for 20 years and have tons of experience working with sellers just like you!

Issue #21

- Price Guide Info
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What's Jungle Comics #21 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #21 is $5,600. This value is based on the highest CGC rated copy to sell at auction, which is a 9.6 NM+ from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold in March 2014. A 6.0 from the Davis Crippen pedigree has a January 2007 value of $143, and an unretouched 3.0 has a value of $361 as of September 2019.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The Jungle Lord stops sacrificial offerings to a giant beast in Jungle Comics #21, published by Fiction House in September 1941. A tribe has been sacrificing humans to the Storm Monster to appease it. Kaänga and Ann go to the Wungi village to stop the sacrifices.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$150 | $400 | $700 | $1,100 | $1,800 | $5,600 |
Issue #22

What's Jungle Comics #22 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #22 is $4,900. This value is based on the highest-rated copy to sell publicly, which is a 9.6 NM+ from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold in April 2017. An 8.0 from the Lost Valley pedigree has an April 2005 value of $350, and an unretouched 4.5 sold for the price of $99 in June 2010.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The Bird King tries to dispose of the Jungle Lord in Jungle Comics #22, published in October 1941 by Fiction House. Zuko owns a pair of artificial wings that give him the ability to fly. He is offered a bribe of valuable diamonds to rid the jungle of Kaänga.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$50 | $175 | $300 | $625 | $1,500 | $4,900 |
Issue #23

- Price Guide Info
- eBay Listings
What's Jungle Comics #23 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #23 is $5,000. This value is based on the highest CGC rated copy to sell at auction, which is a 9.4 NM from the Edgar Church pedigree. That April 2017 value is an increase from its March 2014 price of $3,701. An unretouched 8.0 has a December 2017 value of $382, and an unretouched 5.0 has a value of $104 as of November 2014.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The Jungle Lord and his paramour must stop jewel thieves in Jungle Comics #23, published by Fiction House in November 1941. After Zuko is defeated and his hideout left to burn, Kaänga and Ann Mason must stop jewel thieves who have come in search of Zuko's diamonds. ?
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$50 | $125 | $250 | $600 | $1,400 | $5,000 |
Issue #24

What's Jungle Comics #24 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #24 is $3,400. This value is based on the highest-rated copy to sell publicly, which is a 9.4 NM from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold in March 2014. A 7.5 from the Davis Crippen pedigree has a November 2006 value of $227, and an unretouched 5.0 has a value of $76 as of January 2005.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The Jungle Lord swings to the rescue in Jungle Comics #24, published in December 1941 by Fiction House. The Nazis have invaded Kaänga's jungle. The Jungle Lord teams up with the Muballis tribe to defeat the Nazi panzer force.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$50 | $125 | $250 | $500 | $1,250 | $3,400 |
Issue #25

What's Jungle Comics #25 worth in 2025?
The top price for Jungle Comics (1940): #25 is $3900, paid in March 2014 for a 9.6 graded copy. Other prices include $480, paid in June 2023 for a 6.5 graded copy and $715, paid in January 2021 for a 5.5 graded copy.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Issue #25 of Jungle Comics (1940) was published in January 1942. Writing and art by Dan Zolnerowich, Frank Riddell, Al Gabrielle, George Carl WIlhelms, Henry Kiefer, Seymour Reit, Courtney Thomasen, Bill Bossert, Pierre La Rue, Al Walker, and Frank Schwarz.
Key Facts About the Comic
The cover art features Kaanga the Jungle Lord.
Story Synopsis
This issue features stories of jungle adventures!
- 9 page Kaänga story Kahgis the Blood God ["Entombed for countless ages, an Egyptian idol and..."]
- 7 page Tabu story "Tabu is exploring a wild unknown region of..."
- 6 page Fantomah story "Deep in the African jungle there lives a..."
- 8 page Wambi, The Jungle Boy story "Strange boy guardian of the jungle is Wambi..."
- 2 page text story "Boy King of the Tuskers"
- 6 page Roy Lance story "Through the blackness of a jungle night, Roy..."
- 7 page Captain Terry Thunder story "Snap it, Andy, before our faces freeze into..."
- 1 page Jungle Jingles filler "If hot desert winds lift the sandhills, Mr..."
- 6 page The Red Panther story "Deep in the heart of the jungle..."
- 6 page Simba story "From a peaceful slumber, Simba is rudely awakened..."
- 6 page Camilla story "For many years a policy of good will..."
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$0 | $0 | $850 | $0 | $3,900 | $3,900 |
Issue #26

What's Jungle Comics #26 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #26 is unknown. The highest CGC rated copy to sell at auction is an 8.5 from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold for the price of $1,850 in March 2014. An 8.5 from the Pennsylvania pedigree has a March 2011 value of $478, and an unretouched 8.0 sold for the price of $221 in July 2003, which is a decrease from its peak July 2002 value of $276.
Why is this comic book valuable?
An Ape Queen tries to force the Jungle Lord to marry her in Jungle Comics #26, published by Fiction House in February 1942. The White Queen of the Apes tries to force Kaänga, the white lord of the jungle, to marry her by kidnapping Ann Mason.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$50 | $125 | $250 | $500 | $1,250 | $1,850 |
Issue #27

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What's Jungle Comics #27 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #27 is $4,800. This value is based on the highest-rated copy to sell publicly, which is a 9.4 NM from the Edgar Church pedigree. That April 2017 value is an increase from its March 2014 price of $3,500. A 6.5 from the Rockford pedigree has a November 2003 value of $132, which is a decrease from its peak October 2002 price of $150.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Fantomah, Daughter of the Pharaohs, gets a new origin story in Jungle Comics #27, published in March 1942 by Fiction House. Fantomah is the incarnation of an ancient Pharaoh's daughter, and teams up with the Khefra tribe to defeat the Spotted Men.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$50 | $125 | $250 | $500 | $1,250 | $4,800 |
Issue #28

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What's Jungle Comics #28 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #28 is $4,200. This value is based on the highest CGC rated copy to sell at auction, which is a 9.8 NM/M from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold in March 2014. An 8.5 from the Rockford pedigree has a July 2002 value of $460, an unretouched 7.5 sold for the price of $430 in May 2016, and an unretouched 6.5 has a value of $191 in March 2016.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Kaänga saves Ann Mason from burning to death on the cover of Jungle Comics #28, published by Fiction House in April 1942. A deposed chief comes to the Jungle Lord in order to help restore him as leader of his tribe.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$50 | $150 | $250 | $500 | $1,250 | $4,200 |
Issue #29

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What's Jungle Comics #29 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #29 is $3,500. This value is based on the highest-rated copy to sell publicly, which is a 9.4 NM from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold in March 2014. An unretouched 7.5 has an April 2016 value of $382, and an unretouched 5.5 has a value of $67 as of March 2004.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The Jungle Lord must save a chief's son in Jungle Comics #29, published in May 1942 by Fiction House. A treasure hunter works with the Wambus' witch doctor to kidnap the Chief's son, Daru. The chief refuses to reveal the location of the tribe's sacred ruby, so they kill him. Kaänga frees Daru, who gives Ann the ruby in order to protect his tribe.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$50 | $125 | $250 | $500 | $1,200 | $3,500 |
Issue #30

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What's Jungle Comics #30 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #30 is $5,900. This value is based on the highest CGC rated copy to sell at auction, which is a 9.8 NM/M from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold in April 2017. An unretouched 8.5 has a June 2004 value of $299, and an unretouched 5.5 sold for the price of $126 in September 2019, which is an increase from its March 2016 value of $96.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The Jungle Lord tackles a leopard in Jungle Comics #30, published by Fiction House in June 1942. A witch doctor is determined to kill a chieftain, and Kaänga must team up with physician Dr. Norris to stop the witch doctor and heal the chief.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$50 | $100 | $200 | $450 | $1,150 | $5,900 |
Issue #31

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What's Jungle Comics #31 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #31 is $4,100. This value is based on the highest-rated copy to sell publicly, which is a 9.6 NM+ from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold in March 2014. An unretouched 4.0 has a value of $144 as of March 2019.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The Jungle Lord and Ann Mason travel to the Land of the Shrunken Skulls in Jungle Comics #31, published in July 1942 by Fiction House. Ngeeso has been kidnapped by a tribe of headhunters. The tribe is lead by a white woman who has trained leopards to do her bidding.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$50 | $150 | $275 | $450 | $1,200 | $4,100 |
Issue #32

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What's Jungle Comics #32 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #32 is $1,912. This value is based on the highest CGC rated copy to sell at auction, which is a 9.6 NM+ with a double cover. That February 2018 price is an increase from its May 2004 value of $623. A 9.4 NM from the Edgar Church pedigree has a March 2014 value of $2,801, and an unretouched 9.0 has a value of $432 as of November 2018.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Kaänga must save a king beast in Jungle Comics #32, published by Fiction House in August 1942. Ngeeso's tribe asks for the Jungle Lord's help when the Wombos tribe tries to kill Ngeeso's sacred lion.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$50 | $100 | $175 | $400 | $1,200 | $2,801 |
Issue #33

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What's Jungle Comics #33 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #33 is $3,400. This value is based on the highest-rated copy to sell publicly, which is a 9.6 NM+ from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold in March 2014. An unretouched 8.5 has a December 2018 value of $840, and an unretouched 8.0 sold for the price of $960 in April 2019, which is an increase from its May 2009 value of $250.
Why is this comic book valuable?
A Prince tries to massacre an entire tribe in Jungle Comics #33, published in September 1942 by Fiction House. Prince Hamud, who is Senegalese, tries to wipe out Ngeeso's tribe in order to obtain their large amounts of gold.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$100 | $200 | $400 | $800 | $1,500 | $3,400 |
Issue #34

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What's Jungle Comics #34 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #34 is $3,001. This value is based on the highest-rated copy to sell publicly, which is a 9.6 from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold for that price in March 2014. A 9.2 from the Rockford pedigree has a July 2003 value of $414, an unretouched 8.0 sold for the price of $312 in January 2020, and an unretouched 2.5 has a value of $77 as of September 2007.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Kaänga must stop a tribe from sacrificing Ann to an idol in Jungle Comics #34, published in October 1942 by Fiction House. The White Giant convinces a local tribe to make a human sacrifice to appease their idol Tozak, prompting Kaänga to intervene.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$75 | $125 | $250 | $500 | $1,200 | $3,001 |
Issue #35

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What's Jungle Comics #35 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #35 is $2,350. This value is based on the highest CGC rated copy to sell at auction, which is a 9.4 NM from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold in March 2014. An unretouched 8.0 has a June 2019 value of $432, and an unretouched 7.0 has a value of $200 as of February 2008.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Kaänga discovers who has been making tribe members go missing in Jungle Comics #35, published by Fiction House in November 1942. The Pygmies' witch doctor, Bwoga, has been secretly drugging members of the tribe. Kaänga must step in and stop him when he discovers Bwoga has been selling them to slavers. ?
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$50 | $100 | $200 | $425 | $1,100 | $2,350 |
Issue #36

What's Jungle Comics #36 worth in 2025?
The mint condition value of Jungle Comics #36 is $4,600. This value is based on the highest-rated copy to sell publicly, which is a 9.6 NM+ from the Edgar Church pedigree that sold in March 2014. An 8.5 from the Rockford pedigree has a December 2019 value of $900, and an unretouched 6.0 sold for the price of $430 in June 2017, which is an increase from its May 2012 value of $180.
Why is this comic book valuable?
A moon goddess kidnaps Ann Mason in Jungle Comics #36, published in December 1942 by Fiction House. A group of cannibals worships Tagara as their moon goddess on Earth. Tagara kidnaps Ann, so Kaanga, Ngeeso, and Anna’s sister Doris must rush through the jungle to save her.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$100 | $225 | $425 | $800 | $1,500 | $4,600 |
Issue #54

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What's Jungle Comics #54 worth in 2025?
The top price for Jungle Comics (1940): #54 is $3900, paid in March 2014 for a 9.8 graded copy. Other prices include $1080, paid in March 2022 for a 8.5 graded copy and $480, paid in April 2021 for a 5.5 graded copy.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Issue #54 of Jungle Comics (1940) was published in June 1944. Writing and art by Joe Doolin, Art Saaf, Frank Riddell, Richard Case, Ed Hunt, Ruth Atkinson, Fran Hopper, Henry Kiefer, and George Tuska.
Key Facts About the Comic
The cover art features Kaanga The Jungle Lord
Story Synopsis
This issue features stories of jungle adventures!
- 12 page Kaänga story Blood Bride of the Crocodile ["Wah! Kaanga catch mate as easily as white man..."]
- 6 page Simba, King of Beasts story "One day, as Simba strides across the Veldt..."
- 5 page Tabu story "Look, Tabu, over there, near that tree..."
- filler "Jungle Raiders"
- 8 page Wambi story "One morning, as Wambi fashions a new drinking cup..."
- 5 page Captain Terry Thunder story "Haj, chief of the river people, dashes into..."
- 2 page text story "Cobra Death"
- 8 page Camilla, Queen of the Jungle Empire story "Bwana-san Camilla, greater are you than Wedo, the..."
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$0 | $0 | $500 | $300 | $650 | $3,900 |
Issue #81

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What's Jungle Comics #81 worth in 2025?
The top price for Jungle Comics (1940): #81 is $5760, paid in January 2022 for a 9.6 graded copy. Other prices include $360, paid in October 2023 for a 8.0 graded copy and $165, paid in February 2023 for a 5.5 graded copy.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Issue #81 of Jungle Comics (1940) was published in September 1946. Writing and art by Joe Doolin, John Celardo, August Froehlich, Ed Hunt, Richard Case, Mike Peppe, Robert Webb, John Forte, Roy L. Smith, Frank Riddell, Bob Lubbers, Pierre La Rue, Fran Hopper, and Victor Ibsen.
Key Facts About the Comic
The cover art features Kaanga the Jungle Lord.
Story Synopsis
This issue features stories of jungle adventures!
- 11 page Kaänga story Colossus of the Congo ["The mystery of the lost man-child plagued Kaänga..."]
- 6 page Simba, King of the Beasts story "Snarling, clutching, clawing things, these mandrills were, and..."
- 6 page Tabu story "Powers misplaced when the world was young...those..."
- 2 page Jungle Lore story "Money-- Webster defines this word as anything customarily..."
- 6 page Wambi, The Jungle Boy story "Commanded by evil, and with hate for a..."
- 2 page text story "Quest of the Feathered Fetish"
- 6 page Captain Terry Thunder story "Again and again, Terry Thunder had tried to..."
- 1 page Jungle Facts filler "Primitive African Cults"
- 8 page Camilla story "Mirrored in the depths of an herb-fed fire..."
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$0 | $170 | $110 | $410 | $900 | $5,750 |
Issue #98

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What's Jungle Comics #98 worth in 2025?
The top price for Jungle Comics (1940): #98 is $720, paid in May 2022 for a 8.0 graded copy. Other prices include $288, paid in October 2023 for a 7.0 graded copy and $119, paid in July 2023 for a 5.0 graded copy.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Issue #98 of Jungle Comics (1940) was published in February 1948. Writing and art by John Celardo, August Froehlich, Charles Sultan, Mike Peppe, Frank Doyle, Roy L. Smith, Maurice Whitman, Bob Lubbers, and Victor Ibsen.
Key Facts About the Comic
The cover art features a man riding a Zebra.
Story Synopsis
This issue features stories of jungle adventures!
- 10 page Kaänga story Ten Tusks of Zulu Ivory ["Beware! Beware! For this is the swamp of..."]
- 6 page Simba, King of Beasts story "The warm, jungle-scented breeze sweeping across the veldt..."
- 6 page Captain Terry Thunder story "What menace lurked in the brush in upper..."
- 1 page African Wild Life filler "Jungle Quiz. Pictured are seven animals. See if..."
- 6 page Wambi, The Jungle Boy story "The festering sore of jealousy poisons the belly and..."
- 2 page text story "Lions At Large"
- Half page Jungle Lore filler "The Tiger Hunt! One of the jungle's most..."
- 6 page Tabu story "Zazenda ghost goddess of lost souls! From shadowland..."
- 8 page Camilla story "To Kalembu, the strong, bravest of Basuto warriors..."
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$0 | $160 | $290 | $725 | $350 | $725 |
Issue #162

- Price Guide Info
- eBay Listings
What's Jungle Comics #162 worth in 2025?
The top price for Jungle Comics (1940): #162 is $153, paid in March 2008 for a 8.0 graded copy. Other prices include $150, paid in May 2020 for a 6.5 graded copy and $42, paid in December 2011 for a 4.0 graded copy.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Issue #162 of Jungle Comics (1940) was published in March 1954. Writing and art by Maurice Whitman, John Starr, and Bill Benulis.
Key Facts About the Comic
The cover art features Kaanga The Jungle Lord.
Story Synopsis
This issue features stories of jungle adventures!
- 12 page Ka'a'nga story "Wild Boy!"
- 2 page text story "Congo Justice"
- 4 page story "The Fire Birds"
- 4 page story "Jackal-Man"
- 6 page Tiger Girl story "The Voodoo Master"
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$0 | $40 | $130 | $150 | $0 | $180 |
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Issue #163

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What's Jungle Comics #163 worth in 2025?
The top price for Jungle Comics (1940): #163 is $360, paid in May 2023 for a 6.5 graded copy. Other prices include $308, paid in April 2021 for a 8.0 graded copy and $63, paid in July 2023 for a 4.0 graded copy.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Issue #163 of Jungle Comics (1940) was published in Summer 1954. Writing and art by Maurice Whitman and Marcia Snyder.
Key Facts About the Comic
The cover art features an elephant fighting cheetas.
Story Synopsis
This issue features stories of jungle adventures!
- 12 page Kaänga story "A Warrior Must Die!"
- 2 page text story "Ambush At Dawn"
- 8 page Camilla story "The pygmy tribe had been betrayed -- their juju stolen..."
- 6 page Tiger Girl story "The trouble began at Henrig's plantation with livestock killed..."
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$0 | $60 | $360 | $310 | $0 | $360 |