All-Star Comics
DC Comics // Summer 1940 - February-March 1951
Issue count: 57
"What if we took our most popular heroes, and put them in one book as a team?" This was a fairly new idea when DC debuted ALL-STAR in 1940! Dubbed THE JUSTICE SOCIETY of AMERICA, All-Star set the standard for all "team" books!

Originally concieved as another anthology series - a place for DC to put MORE stories of popular characters (Hawkman, Spectre, Green Lantern, The Flash, The Sandman, and newcomer Johnny Thunder), with issue #3 (Winter, 1940 - it was a quarterly book), came a radical overhaul... well, not radical by today's standards, but at the time it was an "Ah Ha! moment."
All Star Comics #1 (cover-dated Summer 1940) contained superhero stories that included All-American's Golden Age Flash, Hawkman, Ultra-Man, as well as National Periodical's Hour-Man, Spectre, and Sandman. The adventure strip "Biff Bronson" and the comedy-adventure "Red, White, and Blue" also premiered.
All Star Comics is historically HUGE for some of its famous firsts! Issue #3 (1940) depicted the first meeting of the Justice Society of America (JSA), with its members swapping stories of their exploits which were subsequently illustrated in the comic's array of solo adventures. In addition to the Flash, Hawkman, Hour-Man, the Spectre, and the Sandman were Doctor Fate from National's More Fun Comics; and the Green Lantern and the Atom from All-American's flagship title All-American Comics. With that issue it became an ENSEMBLE book, the first significant one of it's kind, wherein all the heroes acted together as a "Super Team." The Justice Society of America (JSA) was originally a frame story used to present an anthology of solo stories about the individual characters, with each story handled by a different artist. Comic historian Les Daniels noted, "this was obviously a great notion, since it offered readers a lot of headliners for a dime, and also the fun of watching fan favorites interact." The anthology format was dropped in 1947 and replaced with full issue stories featuring the heroes teaming up to fight crime'
All Star Comics #8 (cover dated January 1942) featured the first appearance of Wonder Woman in an eight-page story written by William Moulton Marston, under the pen name of "Charles Moulton" with art by H. G. Peter. The insert story was included to test reader interest in the Wonder Woman concept. It generated enough positive fan response that Wonder Woman would be awarded the lead feature in the Sensation Comics anthology title starting from issue #1. That same issue saw the induction of Doctor Mid-Nite and Starman as members of the Justice Society as well. Starting with issue #11, Wonder Woman would appear in All Star Comics as a member of the Justice Society as their secretary. My my how times have changed, Gal Gadot. A secretary? I think not!
With issue #34 in '47, Gardner Fox left the series and a new super-villain, the Wizard, was introduced. The Injustice Society first battled the JSA in issue #37 in a tale written by the prolific Robert Kanigher. The Black Canary guest starred in issue #38 and joined the team three issues later in #41.
All Star Comics popularity continued to grow and increased in frequency from a quarterly to a bimonthly publication schedule. The JSA story line lasted through March 1951 with issue #57 in a story titled "The Mystery of the Vanishing Detectives".
Superhero comics slumped in the early 1950s, and All Star Comics was renamed All-Star Western in 1951 with issue #58. In this issue, the "Justice Society of America" feature was replaced by Western heroes. This would be the last we heard of the Justice Society of America until a different version appeared on the scenes in 1960 in the form of The Justice League of America with the Brave and the Bold issue #28.
All-Star Comics essentially invented the Team genre, with DC carrying the concept into several other titles (I.E. Seven Soldiers of Victory in Leading Comics), and later, The Justice League of America would become the runaway success of the Silver-Age!
It all started here, though, in this most sought after run of books from the 40's!
Looking to sell your comic books?
Browse our selection of key issues from All-Star Comics below to get an instant estimate of their value.
We have been buying and selling for 20 years and have tons of experience working with sellers just like you!

Issue #1

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What's All-Star Comics #1 worth in 2025?
A NM+ 9.6 of this issue sold for a massive $54,625 back in 2005! The mid-range has shown little growth, but the low end has turned a nice profit. A GD+ 2.5 valued at $1,000 in 2009 now goes for $2,000. GD/VG 3.0 above it has shown identical 200% return on investment.
Why is this comic book valuable?
This is the first issue of an iconic Golden Age series launched in 1940. It was created by All-American Publications, which would later merge with National Periodical Publications to create DC Comics.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$1,500 | $2,200 | $4,500 | $8,000 | $28,000 | $54,625 |
Issue #2

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What's All-Star Comics #2 worth in 2025?
The top grade of this book is represented by two copies of NM- 9.2, with a top price of $16,200 in 2016. While other grades have shown fairly flat growth, GD/VG 3.0 nearly doubled in price from its $600 value in 2013 to today's price of $1,000. With only 36 registered graded copies, other sales data for mid-to-low range are limited.
Why is this comic book valuable?
It's the first appearance of Nyola, a villainous Aztec priestess who can manipulate the weather.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$700 | $1,400 | $2,100 | $4,200 | $14,000 | $29,325 |
Issue #3

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What's All-Star Comics #3 worth in 2025?
The value of All Star Comics #3 in Mint Condition is at least $300,000. A CGC NM+ 9.6 copy last sold for $126,000 way back in 2002. Copies in FN 6.0 are worth $20,000 nowadays. Back in 2009, the same copy would have sold for $10,000. If you want to buy a low grade copy, expect to spend around $10,000 for a copy in GD 2.0. In 2009, that same copy would have sold for $3,000. All Star Comics #3 will continue to appreciate in value, although most likely not as fast as peers from the same time period. We recommend if you're looking for a copy, pick as high a grade a copy as you can afford, that's reasonably priced.
Why is this comic book valuable?
All Star Comics #3 was published at the end of 1940 and featured the first appearance of the Justice Society of America! Members of this new team included Dr. Fate, Flash, Hawkman, Ultra-Man, the Atom, Hour-Man, Spectre, and Sandman. The Justice Society of America has appeared in the Legends of Tomorrow TV show on the CW.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$7,500 | $12,600 | $19,800 | $60,000 | $200,000 | $358,800 |
Issue #4

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What's All-Star Comics #4 worth in 2025?
The high grade for this book is NM 9.4, with one of the two copies at this level selling for $21,275 in 2016! The mid-range grades haven't increased much in the last 10-15 years, but the low end has doubled in value. A GD/VG 3.0 that sold for $500 in 2006 is now worth $1,000.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Features the Justice Society of America. Written by Gardner Fox who helped create many of the heroes in the faction (Flash, Hawkman and Sandman to name a few).
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$550 | $1,250 | $1,900 | $3,800 | $12,000 | $31,200 |
Issue #5

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What's All-Star Comics #5 worth in 2025?
Three copies of this issue exist at NM 9.4, with a high sale price of $16,730 in 2009. A single NM/MT 9.8 exists above it, but has no sale data to gauge its value. The lower grades have shown excellent growth; a VG 4.0 valued at $650 in 2008 now sells for $2,500. That's an increase close to 300%!
Why is this comic book valuable?
Cover artist icon Howard Purcell puts his mark on this issue. First appearance of Mister X.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$925 | $2,150 | $3,000 | $4,600 | $13,150 | $16,725 |
Issue #6

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What's All-Star Comics #6 worth in 2025?
A single NM+ 9.6 is the highest grade on record for this issue, selling for $17,250 in 2005! That top rarity of quality makes for a big difference, as the two NM 9.4 copies below it have averaged a value around $4,500. Increases for other grades have been fairly flat, though VG 4.0 saw an increase from $300 in 2006 to today's value of $450.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Johnny Thunder and Thunderbolt join the Justice Society of America.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$310 | $500 | $1,000 | $1,800 | $7,500 | $17,250 |
Issue #7

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What's All-Star Comics #7 worth in 2025?
A NM- 9.2 of this issue sold for a record price of $16,000 in 2013. There are actually three copies of this grade on record, and two above it at NM 9.4. This higher grade sold for $15,535 in 2007. Lower grades have doubled in price: a VG/FN 5.0 went from $550 in 2006 to its current value of $1,050. VG 4.0 had similar growth in a shorter timeframe, jumping to $1,050 from its 2012 value of $400.
Why is this comic book valuable?
This is the issue where the Batman and Superman join the Justice Society of America.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$400 | $600 | $1,025 | $2,075 | $10,625 | $16,000 |
Issue #8

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What's All-Star Comics #8 worth in 2025?
The value of All Star Comics #8 in Mint Condition is over $1,000,000. The last CGC NM 9.4 sold for $936,000 back in 2017. In FN 6.0, the current value is around $90,000 but back in 2009, you could have picked up a copy for $10,000! In GD 2.0 the value has gone from $3,000 to $25,000! Because of the astronomical growth of this issue, it's hard to say if it will continue to increase it's value at this rate. If you are looking for a copy, it will definitely be a great long term investment. We recommend you pick up whatever copy you can afford that's complete and unrestored.
Why is this comic book valuable?
All Star Comics #8 introduces the seminal superhero Wonder Woman in October 1941! Wonder Woman is generally considered the first female superhero and she is recognized by fans around the world due to her appearances in comics over the last 80 years and her appearances in cartoons and movies.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$27,500 | $53,775 | $90,000 | $200,000 | $936,225 | $936,223 |
Issue #9

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What's All-Star Comics #9 worth in 2025?
The highest grade for this book is represented by two issues at NM- 9.2, with a top sale price of $6,001 in 2015. The low-to-mid grades haven't seen much growth, but a VF 8.0 at $1,300 in 2006 now sells for $2,000. A VF 8.5 increased from $1,725 in 2002 to today's price of $3,500.
Why is this comic book valuable?
This issue mirrors American history at the time (1942), with J. Edgar Hoover asking the Justice Society of America to go after Nazi spies in Mexico and South America.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$250 | $500 | $950 | $1,900 | $6,000 | $6,000 |
Issue #10

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What's All-Star Comics #10 worth in 2025?
There's one copy of this book graded at NM+ 9.6, and it sold for $16,100 in 2005. There's a huge gap in grade quality between this single book and the next one at VF+ 8.5. A VG/FN 5.0 doubled in price from $500 in 2004 to its current value of $1,000.
Why is this comic book valuable?
This issue was the first appearance of the Time Trust, a group of American scientists who have perfected time travel. The Justice Society of America rescues the scientists from enemy hands, and uses the technology to prevent a future bomb attack.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$300 | $500 | $1,000 | $1,800 | $8,000 | $16,100 |
Issue #11

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What's All-Star Comics #11 worth in 2025?
The highest recorded sale of issue 11 in existence (or once on the market) has a 9.6 CGC NM+ and sold for the price of $17,250 in 2002. A lower grade copy of this issue in the 2.5 CGC GD mark sold for $465 in 2019, so good luck finding someone willing sell you a copy that doesn't cost a few hundred bucks.
Why is this comic book valuable?
In issue number 11 of All-Star Comics, The Justice Society of America joins the conflict with Japan. This issue features Hawkman, Wonder Woman, the Sandman, the Atom, Doctor Fate, Dr. Mid-nite, Starman, and Johnny Thunder.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$350 | $600 | $1,350 | $2,400 | $8,300 | $17,250 |
Issue #12

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What's All-Star Comics #12 worth in 2025?
The highest recorded sale of issue 12 in existence (or once on the market) has a 9.6 CGC NM+ and sold for the price of $6,573 in 2012. A lower grade copy of this issue in the 3.0 CGC GD/VG mark sold for $165 in 2014, so it's likely you'll have to drop some money if you want a low value copy for your collection.
Why is this comic book valuable?
In issue number 12 of All-Star Comics, the Justice Society of America are still at war with the Japanese. In addition to this, Wonder Woman becomes the JSA secretary.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$300 | $550 | $850 | $1,450 | $6,600 | $14,400 |
Issue #13

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What's All-Star Comics #13 worth in 2025?
The highest recorded sale of issue 13 in existence (or once on the market) has a 8.5 CGC NM and sold for the price of $2,185 in 2006. A lower grade copy of this issue in the 2.5 CGC GD mark sold for $376 in 2018, so adding this to your collection isn't going to be cheap.
Why is this comic book valuable?
In issue number 13 of All-Star Comics, the Justice Society of America ends up "Shanghaied into Space" in this science fiction romp for the ages.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$230 | $400 | $800 | $1,350 | $6,200 | $3,675 |
Issue #14

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What's All-Star Comics #14 worth in 2025?
The highest recorded sale of issue 14 in existence (or once on the market) has a 9.2 CGC NM- and sold for the price of $3,675 in 2015. A lower grade copy of this issue in the 2.0 CGC GD mark sold for $280 in 2018, but owning such a classic is going to cost you.
Why is this comic book valuable?
In issue number 14 of All-Star Comics, the Justice Society of America goes up against Nazis in Europe. That's right, each member fights Nazis in different parts of Europe.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$250 | $420 | $800 | $1,900 | $6,500 | $3,675 |
Issue #15

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What's All-Star Comics #15 worth in 2025?
The highest recorded sale of issue 15 in existence (or once on the market) has a 9.2 CGC NM- and sold for the price of $3,333 in 2015. A lower grade copy of this issue in the 2.5 CGC GD mark sold for $295 in 2019, which isn't too bad considering how legendary this issue is.
Why is this comic book valuable?
In issue number 15 of All-Star Comics, the Justice Society of America go head-to-head against "The Man Who Created Images" in this action packed comic.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$250 | $400 | $750 | $1,600 | $5,500 | $4,775 |
Issue #16

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- eBay Listings
What's All-Star Comics #16 worth in 2025?
The highest recorded sale of issue 16 in existence (or once on the market) has a 8.5 CGC NM and sold for the price of $1,600 in 2005. A lower grade copy of this issue in the 3.0 CGC GD/VG mark sold for $350 in 2019, but it seems as though copies in this value change hands often (making it possible to own one yourself.)
Why is this comic book valuable?
In issue number 16 of All-Star Comics, the Justice Society of America fights to unite the United States of America! Wonder Woman makes an appearance in this triumphant issue.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$235 | $370 | $775 | $1,550 | $5,500 | $2,000 |
Issue #17

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- eBay Listings
What's All-Star Comics #17 worth in 2025?
The highest recorded sale of issue 17 in existence (or once on the market) has a 9.6 CGC NM+ and sold for the price of $9,775 in 2005. A lower grade copy of this issue in the 2.0 CGC GD mark sold for $250 in 2018, so you'll have to shell out a few hundred if you want one for your collection.
Why is this comic book valuable?
In issue number 17 of All-Star Comics, the Justice Society of America takes on "The Brain Wave Goes Berserk" in this thrilling issue. Wonder Woman makes an appearance in this issue.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$250 | $370 | $675 | $1,100 | $4,000 | $9,775 |
Issue #18

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- eBay Listings
What's All-Star Comics #18 worth in 2025?
The highest recorded sale of issue 18 in existence (or once on the market) has a 9.6 CGC NM and sold for the price of $5,153 in 2019. A lower grade copy of this issue in the 3.0 CGC GD/VG mark sold for $349 in 2019, which is a pretty good deal considering what's between the covers.
Why is this comic book valuable?
In issue number 18 of All-Star Comics, the Justice Society of America takes on bugs in the "Insects Turn To Crime" issue. Wonder Woman makes an appearance in this issue.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$200 | $370 | $600 | $1,075 | $4,000 | $6,575 |
Issue #19

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- eBay Listings
What's All-Star Comics #19 worth in 2025?
The highest recorded sale of issue 19 in existence (or once on the market) has a 9.6 CGC NM+ and sold for the price of $5,378 in 2012. A lower grade copy of this issue in the 2.5 CGC GD mark sold for $259 in 2013, which is well worth it for the Wonder Woman appearance.
Why is this comic book valuable?
In issue number 19 of All-Star Comics, the Justice Society of America battle in "The Crimes Set To Music!" Wonder Woman makes an appearance in this issue.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$190 | $370 | $625 | $1,100 | $4,000 | $6,613 |
Issue #20

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- eBay Listings
What's All-Star Comics #20 worth in 2025?
The highest recorded sale of issue 20 in existence (or once on the market) has a 9.4 CGC NM and sold for the price of $2,760 in 2019. A lower grade copy of this issue in the 2.0 CGC GD mark sold for $209 in 2019, so good luck finding someone to sell you a copy that doesn't cost a few hundred bucks.
Why is this comic book valuable?
In issue number 20 of All-Star Comics, the Justice Society of America star in "The Movie That Changed A Man's Life." Wonder Woman makes an appearance in this issue.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$150 | $290 | $480 | $950 | $3,400 | $6,500 |
Looking to sell your comic books?
Browse our selection of key issues from All-Star Comics below to get an instant estimate of their value.
We have been buying and selling for 20 years and have tons of experience working with sellers just like you!

Issue #21

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What's All-Star Comics #21 worth in 2025?
All-Star Comics #21 was first released in the summer of 1944. The issue has shown a propensity for value, and the most expensive copy on record was a 9.6-grade that sold for $7,170 in 2010. Even a 2.5-grade sold for $225 in 2018, showing that this comic retains value. Today, a 6.0-grade is valued at $425.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Aside from an impressive number of high-quality copies for such an old comic, #21 is special. The cover art features a D.C. symbol that was never used on another All-Star cover.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$150 | $275 | $500 | $800 | $3,200 | $7,175 |
Issue #22

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What's All-Star Comics #22 worth in 2025?
Any high-quality issue of All-Star Comics is going to have value. For issue #22, a 9.6-grade copy set the record at $9,117 in 2005. Even in 2017, a 2.0-grade could get a price of $200. Today, you could expect a 6.0 to be worth $450.
Why is this comic book valuable?
All-Star Comics is a Golden Age classic, and issue #22 was the release that came out fall of 1944. It showed another great adventure of the Justice Society of America and even featured Abraham Lincoln.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$250 | $400 | $650 | $1,000 | $4,200 | $9,125 |
Issue #23

What's All-Star Comics #23 worth in 2025?
All-Star Comics #23 is another collector item with potential. The most valuable copy on record was sold for $2,629 in 2012. The lowest price on record was a 2.5-grade that went for $138 in 2005. Across all data, a 6.0-grade is estimated to be worth $525 today.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Issue #23 is interesting. According to the scripter, the stories for #22 and #23 (winter 1944) were flipped. It might explain why Wonder Woman is inappropriately listed in the role call, and it adds an extra tinge of history to the issue.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$200 | $400 | $600 | $1,000 | $4,200 | $2,650 |
Issue #24

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What's All-Star Comics #24 worth in 2025?
All-Star Comics #24 is a WWII-themed issue involving the JSA. Since its release in the 40s, #24’s value peaked at $8,625. That was the price given for a 9.6 copy in 2005. Over the issue’s history, the lowest-priced sale recorded was a 3.0 copy that went for $243 in 2017. Today, a FN copy is worth $330.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Issue #24 was released in the spring of 1945. It featured “The Story of Germany.” The script was originally intended to print later, but DC pushed the schedule on account of the end of the war being in sight.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$300 | $675 | $850 | $1,500 | $5,000 | $8,625 |
Issue #25

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What's All-Star Comics #25 worth in 2025?
All-Star Comics #25 was released in the summer of 1945, right as WWII was coming to an end. The issue has fewer surviving high-quality copies than some of its peers, and the highest price recorded for #25 is $750. That price was paid in 2019 for a grade 7.5. Lower grades have also been sold, the least of which was a 1.8 that fetched $183 in 2002. Today, a FN copy is worth roughly $345.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Issue #25 was reprinted in 1991 among the All-Star Comics Archives. This makes a readable copy much easier to find, but originals are still quite rare
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$180 | $300 | $600 | $1,000 | $4,000 | $750 |
Issue #26

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What's All-Star Comics #26 worth in 2025?
All-Star Comics #26 has endured the ages in quality. It was released in 1945, but there are still multiple 9.4-grade copies around today. The most valuable of those sold for $4,600 in 2005. Since then, a 1.8-grade copy sold in 2017 for $67. Averaging out the values, 6.0-grades are currently worth around $250.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The story for #26 originally included Spectre and Starman. Since AA and DC split, the characters had to be swapped for the Flash and Green Lantern.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$70 | $290 | $410 | $775 | $2,400 | $4,600 |
Issue #27

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What's All-Star Comics #27 worth in 2025?
If you have the 9.4 copy of All-Star Comics #27, you might be able to sell it for more than the $3,100 price it got in 2013. Any other copy is going to be worth less, bottoming out around $163 (the price of a 3.0 copy in 2013). If you have an average copy (grade 6.0), you could values it around $340.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Issue #27 is a bit special. It deals with the issue of wounded and handicapped servicemen. The story was requested by the National Institute for the Handicapped to help society welcome injured veterans who were returning from war.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$200 | $275 | $400 | $700 | $3,100 | $4,025 |
Issue #28

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What's All-Star Comics #28 worth in 2025?
Like other issues in the series, All-Star Comics #28 has some surviving high-quality copies. The best of them is a 9.4 and sold for $2,271 in 2014. The least valuable sale on record was a 5.0 that was priced at $201in 2014. The average value of the comic today (at 6.0 grade) is $366.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Some speculate that this issue contains a lost story, “Perils of the Paper of Death.” The air of mystery compels come collectors, and it adds some value to any readable copy.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$150 | $275 | $370 | $875 | $2,500 | $4,322 |
Issue #29

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What's All-Star Comics #29 worth in 2025?
There is one thing that separates All-Star Comics #29 from the majority of comics its age. There is a 9.8-grade copy in the world. In 2012, that copy sold for $5,975. Compared to the $73 paid for a 3.5 copy in 2014, that’s a large price tag. If you’re not the lucky person in possession of that incredible copy, you could expect an average price for #29 to be closer to $330.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Issue #29 portrays its own spin on the Hitchcock film, “The Man Who Knew too Much.”
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$100 | $230 | $340 | $825 | $2,500 | $5,975 |
Issue #30

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What's All-Star Comics #30 worth in 2025?
In 2005, a 9.6-grade copy of All-Star Comics #30 sold for $4,888. That was a higher price than the 2012 sale of a 9.8 copy. Meanwhile, a 2.5 copy sold for $94 in 2017. Clearly, there’s a large variance on the value of this issue, with the average for a 6.0-grade coming in at $525.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Issue #30 is another where Starman and Spectre had to be replaced with Green Lantern and the Flash after AA and DC split. It was issued in 1946.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$75 | $130 | $400 | $700 | $2,100 | $5,200 |
Issue #31

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What's All-Star Comics #31 worth in 2025?
All-Star comics #31 recorded a peak value in 2015, when an 8.5-grade copy sold for $1,500. The rest of the copies still around are worth considerably less, with a 2.0-grade selling for $77 in 2013. Across the board, 6.0s are currently worth Around $300.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Issue #31 was released in the fall of 1946, and it features traced artwork on Wonder Woman in the cover.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$80 | $270 | $340 | $750 | $2,400 | $1,500 |
Issue #32

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What's All-Star Comics #32 worth in 2025?
Being a classic in good condition is worth money, and that’s why All-Star Comics #32 sold for $5,250 in 2007 (a 9.4 grade). Lower-quality copies are still worth considerably more than the original price. A 2.0-grade sold in 2018 for $175. Today, if you have a 6.0, you could sell it for roughly $500.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Issue #32 was printed at the end of 1946. It features more adventures of the JSA, this time battling a psycho pirate.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$180 | $240 | $450 | $825 | $2,800 | $6,300 |
Issue #33

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What's All-Star Comics #33 worth in 2025?
If you have a near mint or better of All-Star Comics #33, it’s worth at least $5,000. The highest price the issue ever totaled was $6,000 for a 9.0-grade in 2018. The lowest price on record is $215 for a 2.0-grade in 2010. Today, a 6.0 is worth roughly $1,760. That’s much higher than most of the issues in the series.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Issue #33 was released in 1947. It introduces the first appearance of Solomon Grundy for the decade. That makes it a marquee issue from the 40s.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$550 | $1,025 | $2,000 | $4,000 | $14,000 | $12,075 |
Issue #34

What's All-Star Comics #34 worth in 2025?
All-Star comics #34 sold for its highest-ever price in 2018. That price was $2,151 fora 9.2-grade copy. The lowest price recorded was $230 for a 4.0-grade in 2016. The issue is remarkably consistent in value. Today, a 6.0 is worth roughly $400.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Issue #34 was the April-May release in 1947. It is the last issue that was every scripted by Gardner Fox.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$125 | $230 | $450 | $900 | $2,700 | $2,150 |
Issue #35

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What's All-Star Comics #35 worth in 2025?
All-Star Comics #35 is worth less than the handful of issues immediately preceding it. The most valuable copy is a 9.2-grade that sold for $1,355 in 2011. On the low end, a 2.5 copy sold for $175 in 2016. If you have a 6.0 copy, it gets a respectable value of $585 today.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Released in 1947, this issue was a revised version of an older Gardner F. Fox script. It’s the first story credited to John Broome.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$125 | $300 | $410 | $600 | $1,800 | $2,350 |
Issue #36

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What's All-Star Comics #36 worth in 2025?
All-Star Comics #36 has some copies that are worth thousands. The most valuable is a 9.6-grade that sold for $9,425 in 2015. If you wanted to pay considerably less you could look for the 1.5-grade that sold for $54 in 2012. If you just want averages, a 6.0-grade is worth roughly $1,150 today.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The 1947 story for #36 was originally drafted by Gardner Fox. It was changed substantially by Julius Schwartz and Robert Kanigher to become this collector’s classic.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$325 | $650 | $1,150 | $2,200 | $6,500 | $13,800 |
Issue #37

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What's All-Star Comics #37 worth in 2025?
The highest grade copy of All-Star Comics #37 is an 8.5 that sold for $1,777 in 2016. The lowest grade on record is a 3.0 that sold for $380 in 2019. That’s quite a disparity, and a 6.0-grade copy would be worth about $420 today.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Issue #37, released in 1947, is special because the Brain Wave shows up for the very last time in this story — at least in the Golden Age.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$275 | $575 | $800 | $1,400 | $4,300 | $1,775 |
Issue #38

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What's All-Star Comics #38 worth in 2025?
All-Star Comics #38 is another issue in the series with an abnormally high number of quality copies surviving. The best among them is a 9.6-grade that sold for $5,463 in 2005. Even low-quality copies retain a fair amount of value. A 2.5-grade sold for $165 in 2006. Today, a 6.0-grade averages about $450.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Issue #38 was first printed at the end of 1947. It features Black Canary, and it’s the issue where Wonder Woman becomes an active member of the Justice Society of America.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$150 | $275 | $600 | $1,025 | $3,400 | $5,475 |
Issue #39

What's All-Star Comics #39 worth in 2025?
Pricing for All-Star Comics #39 is much more difficult than most issues in the series. The highest price recorded is $1,800 for a 6.0 in 2019. The same year, a 7.0 sold for $1,020. Yet again in 2019, a 2.5 sold for $160. With so much variance, it’s hard to lock down a price, but you could expect the value of a 6.0 to range between $500 and $1500 today.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Part of the reason for the variance is that #39 is harder to find than most All-Star Comics of the same era. It’s also Johnny Thunder’s last appearance in the Golden Age.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$140 | $240 | $800 | $1,600 | $5,000 | $1,800 |
Issue #40

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What's All-Star Comics #40 worth in 2025?
All-Star Comics #40 peaked in value in 2016 when a 9.2-grade copy sold for $5,600. The lowest value on record is $156 for a 2.5-grade in 2018. On average, it’s worth about $450 for a 6.0.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Issue #40 was released in the spring of 1948. It’s where Black CAnary officially replaced Johnny thunder as a recurring character.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$160 | $280 | $460 | $925 | $2,900 | $5,600 |
Looking to sell your comic books?
Browse our selection of key issues from All-Star Comics below to get an instant estimate of their value.
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Issue #41

What's All-Star Comics #41 worth in 2025?
The top grade available for this issue is a single VF/NM 9.0 with no sales history available. One step down are two VF 8.0 copies, a grade that sold for $810 in 2012. Seven years later in 2019, a lower grade FN+ 6.5 set the top price of $840. FN- 5.5 went for $260 in 2002 and is currently valued around $620, creating a nice net profit of $400. VG/FN 5.0 grew from around $265 in 2010 to today's $600.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The story in this issue helped inspire the Justice League "Legends" animated series.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$300 | $525 | $750 | $1,300 | $4,200 | $850 |
Issue #42

What's All-Star Comics #42 worth in 2025?
The single top grade VF 8.0 of this issue sold for $345 back in 2004. Fifteen years later in 2019, a FN/VF 7.0 rocketed past that price, setting a historical high of $2,500! This looks to be a major outlier, but it still suggests potential for excellent growth at the lower grades. GD- 1.8 jumped from $70 in 2014 to today's value of $225.
Why is this comic book valuable?
This issue features a new tweak to Hawkman's costume. It's also the last cover to feature the old logo for the All-Star Comics series.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$200 | $400 | $800 | $1,600 | $5,000 | $2,500 |
Issue #43

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What's All-Star Comics #43 worth in 2025?
The single copy of the highest grade NM 9.4 for this issue set the top price of $2,530 in 2005. It hasn't hit the market since. Some grades produced fluctuations and flat growth, while others provided steady gains. In particular, FN 6.0 gained value from $215 in 2016 to today's price of $475,
Why is this comic book valuable?
It's the debut of a new logo for the series. It's also the last issue featuring the JSA using Gotham City as their base.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$120 | $220 | $480 | $900 | $2,900 | $2,525 |
Issue #44

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What's All-Star Comics #44 worth in 2025?
A single VF 8.0 copy of this issue stands as the best quality available, but it has no sales history on file. Below it are two VF- 7.5 copies, and one sold for $720 in May 2019. Four months later in September of the same year, a FN+ 6.5 beat that price and set the historical high of $925. GD- 1.8 is closing in on tripling in value, moving from around $105 in 2018 to today's price of $285.
Why is this comic book valuable?
This is the first JSA story that takes place in Hollywood.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$200 | $360 | $675 | $900 | $2,900 | $950 |
Issue #45

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What's All-Star Comics #45 worth in 2025?
The one NM- 9.2 copy of this book set the top price of $2,850 in April 2018. Three months later in the same year, it sold for a lesser value of $2,042. There's a single NM 9.4 above it with no sales history. VF- 7.5 moved from around $420 in 2012 to today's $720, generating a net profit of $300. FN 6.0 did the same over a longer period, from $330 in 2008 to today's $530.
Why is this comic book valuable?
It's the first time the JSA set their base of operations in Civic City. Before this change, they called Gotham City home.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$150 | $340 | $525 | $900 | $2,600 | $2,850 |
Issue #46

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What's All-Star Comics #46 worth in 2025?
There are two copies of this issue graded at VF 8.0, and one set the top price of $960 in 2019. One VF/NM 9.0 sits as the top grade, but it's yet to hit the market. Lower grades produced solid growth. VG+ 4.5 went from around $200 in 2016 to today's $340, and VG 4.0 below it from around $200 in 2010 to today's $365. GD 2.0 slowly climbed from $115 in 2002 to today's $325.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The JSA investigates a robbery at an oil company.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$300 | $450 | $600 | $950 | $3,000 | $950 |
Issue #47

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What's All-Star Comics #47 worth in 2025?
The high end for this issue has produced some excellent growth. NM 9.4 set the top price of $3,107 in 2017. One year earlier in 2016 it sold for $1,950, creating a net profit well over $1,000! NM- 9.2 had a similar trajectory from $1,240 in 2013 to today's $2,200. Lower grades were less exciting, but still generated positive returns. For example, FN+ 6.5 slowly grew from $300 in 2006 to today's $415.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The JSA clashes with Billy the Kid when he steals $100,000 in gold! The heroes must go to a western ghost town to find clues.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$125 | $200 | $340 | $675 | $2,200 | $3,100 |
Issue #48

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What's All-Star Comics #48 worth in 2025?
There are two copies of this issue registered at the top grade of NM- 9.2. One set the top price of $3,855 in 2016. Three years later in 2019, it dropped to $3,120. Other grades were fairly flat, though GD 2.0 produced good results over a short period. It increased in value from around $100 in 2018 to today's $250.
Why is this comic book valuable?
A sick child is indifferent about his condition, and refuses medical care. But he idolizes the JSA, and they arrive to motivate him.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$150 | $275 | $525 | $900 | $2,800 | $3,850 |
Issue #49

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What's All-Star Comics #49 worth in 2025?
The single top grade NM 9.4 for this issue set the top price of $2,271 in 2012. Other grades produced negative value over time, but FN+ 6.5 was an exception in this market. It slowly grew from $250 in 2002 to today's $600. That's a solid return of $350 if you held on and had patience.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Every one million years the Fire People come to Earth looking to steal radium. Their plan will destroy humanity in the process! The JSA comes to the rescue.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$120 | $220 | $480 | $725 | $2,275 | $2,275 |
Issue #50

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What's All-Star Comics #50 worth in 2025?
A single copy of this issue has the highest grade of NM- 9.2, and set the top price of $3,220 in 2005. Three years later in 2008, it declined over $1,000 in value when it sold for $2,151. It hasn't hit the market since then. Sales history for lower grades is limited due in part to a limited quantity of 24 registered copies. What is available shows a current market with flat growth.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The villain Mister Alpha is revealed to be an old college classmate of The Flash!
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$125 | $250 | $500 | $900 | $2,800 | $3,225 |
Issue #51

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What's All-Star Comics #51 worth in 2025?
The top grades of this issue are represented by two copies each at VF 8.0 and VF- 7.5. But it was the single FN/VF 7.0 below them that set the top price of $1,817 in 2016. It would see a decline to $900 two years later in 2018, then gained back ground to $1,556 in 2019. A VF 8.0 copy came very close to that top price when it sold for $1,800 in 2018. Lower grades show a market with small declines in price.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The JSA takes on the Diamond People, who are triggering major natural disasters all over Earth!
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$150 | $310 | $800 | $1,625 | $4,200 | $1,825 |
Issue #52

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What's All-Star Comics #52 worth in 2025?
There are two registered copies of this issue at the top grade of NM- 9.2, and one set the top price of $1,800 in 2018. In 2019, it would sell again for the same price. FN/VF 7.0 moved from around $425 in 2008 to today's $575, while FN 6.0 climbed to today's value of $370 from a price of $250 in 2009.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The Four Kings put the JSA in suspended animation for a year! They return to a world that desperately needs their help.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$120 | $180 | $370 | $725 | $1,800 | $1,800 |
Issue #53

What's All-Star Comics #53 worth in 2025?
Two VF+ 8.5 copies of this book are the best quality available, and one set the top price of $1,434 in 2008. Ten years later in 2018, it would drop to $1,140. Lower grades mostly saw moderate growth over time. FN/VF 7.0 went for around $400 in 2002, and now sells for $525.
Why is this comic book valuable?
An innocent man is framed when a murder weapon disappears into a time chute. The JSA must bring it back to save him!
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$100 | $200 | $400 | $800 | $2,600 | $1,425 |
Issue #54

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What's All-Star Comics #54 worth in 2025?
A single top grade NM 9.4 copy of this issue set the top price of $4,025 back in 2002. That's the only sale on file for this single book. Other grades generally created flat growth over time. VG/FN 5.0 was the exception, moving from around $200 in 2009 to today's $350.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The JSA takes a relaxing trip to the circus, only to learn that a crime wave is traveling along with it at every stop!
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$150 | $225 | $410 | $1,000 | $4,025 | $4,025 |
Issue #55

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What's All-Star Comics #55 worth in 2025?
There are five VF+ 8.5 copies registered as the top grade for this issue, and one set the top price of $1,300 in 2010. Other grades generally produced flat or modest growth. VF- 7.5 did provide a return of over $200 net profit when it jumped from around $715 in 2015 to today's $950.
Why is this comic book valuable?
The JSA takes a rocket to Jupiter! They're looking to follow up on reports of UFOs, and to find the lost Professor who created the rocket.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$150 | $300 | $450 | $950 | $3,200 | $1,300 |
Issue #56

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What's All-Star Comics #56 worth in 2025?
The single top grade NM+ 9.6 for this issue has yet to hit the market. One of the two NM 9.4 copies below it set the top price of $4,830 in 2002. This would drop to $2,390 in 2007. Other grades generally produced a slow market with small declines over time.
Why is this comic book valuable?
A race of super-powered Chameleons from the 31st century can become any human being at any time! It's up to the JSA to take them on.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$130 | $230 | $450 | $1,000 | $3,200 | $4,825 |
Issue #57

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What's All-Star Comics #57 worth in 2025?
There are three copies of this issue registered at the top grade of NM- 9.2, and one set the top price of $,4780 back in 2006. Other grades mostly produced flat growth over time. FN/VF 7.0 did produce over double in profit from around $600 in 2013 to today's $1,250.
Why is this comic book valuable?
A villain known as The Key captures detectives around the world. It's up to the JSA to save them! This was the first appearance of The Key, and he dies at the end of the issue. He would appear in other DC series during flashback scenes.
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$225 | $425 | $725 | $1,400 | $4,000 | $4,775 |
Issue #58

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What's All-Star Comics #58 worth in 2025?
The mint-condition copy of All-Star Comics Vol. 1 #58 is a 9.8 issue, sold in June 2022 for $3,500. In 2021, the same book was sold for $2,800. A 5.5 graded copy was sold in April 2022 for $206, increasing its $139 value from 2019, and a 2.0 rated book sold in June 2021 for $42, having changed hands only once.
Why is this comic book valuable?
Issue #58 of All-Star Comics Vol. 1 has a cover date of February 1976. It was written, penciled and inked by Mike Grell, Gerry Conway, Ric Estrada and Wally Wood.
Key Facts About the Comic
The cover art features some Super Squad heroes flying while others come around after being left unconscious.
Story Synopsis
The issue features only one story with lots of characters, including Green Lantern, The Flash, Hawkman, amongst others.
- All-Star Super Squad story "The Super Squad!"
Price Guide Report
GD 2.0 | VG 4.0 | FN 6.0 | VF 8.0 | NM 9.4 | RECORD SALE! |
$0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $3,500 |